About Vicenda

In an environment as dynamic and complex as supply chain management, it is imperative for supply chain professionals to keep in touch with industry trends, best practices and technological advancements in order to maintain an optimal and competitive supply chain.

Vicenda is an innovative services company delivering business information services to the logistics and supply chain industry. Our focus is to provide executives with tailored business platforms that allow them to keep informed and up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Our workshops, conferences and roundtables bring together industry experts and seasoned practitioners to share their knowledge, experience and insight in interactive learning environments.

Although content is always based on sound academic principles, we have a strong focus on sharing fresh perspectives and practical solutions to the business challenges that supply chain executives encounter daily.

Supply Chain Update is our online industry publication. Now in its fifth year, it continues to provide a valuable platform for industry news, articles, perspectives, multimedia, events and supply chain jobs. Visit the site here.


21 - 22 August 2024
Online workshop

This workshop will cover the real-world application of how to effectively handle the technical and practical aspects relating to exporting goods into Africa. It is highly practical and will also highlight challenges that could arise from incorrectly applying these technical processes and how to evade the pitfalls relating to the unique nature of exporting into Africa.

This workshop is aimed at providing delegates with an understanding of current best inter-processes, South African government statutory requirements, the benefits offered by trade agreements and how to implement up-to-date export administration processes within every organisation. Highlights include:

·       The statutory requirements for SARS and the SARB to ensure compliancy and avoidance of fines. This includes the latest SARS R316 revision

·       Trade agreements including – SADC (Southern African Development Community Agreement) and AfCFTA (The African Continental Free Trade Agreement) – what are the benefits?

·       International methods of payment & finance – securing payment when exporting into Africa is vital

·       Export documentation – covering the A–Z of all international trade documentation

·       Moving your goods into Africa - understanding the complexities and barriers to ensuring successful movement of your freight into African markets.


4 - 5 September 2024
Online workshop

The volatility of sales in today’s highly competitive marketplace lends itself to less reliable sales forecasts and the consequent necessity of higher inventory levels to maintain reasonable customer service levels. Accurate demand forecasts are a necessity in order to maintain service levels and optimize inventory levels in a lean operating supply chain.

The content of this workshop is practical and delegates will leave with proven methodologies that can immediately be implemented in their supply chain.

Attendees will be encouraged to participate, debate, and discuss the topics that are presented. The presenter will also address the fundamental issues challenging modern organisations and will offer strategic and practical approaches for consideration to consistently improve forecast accuracy and optimise inventory performance in your organisation.


10 September 2024
Online workshop

To accommodate changes in the global trade environment particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, Customs and Excise have implemented new rulings. From a local perspective, Customs and Excise have implemented the latest R316 revision which holds considerable benefits for exporters.

This revision has already been implemented, yet most exporters are unaware not only of the latest legislation relating to over-border exports and the relevant benefits to exporters but also the penalties for non-compliance.

Delivered by Linda Duxbury-Bird, regarded as the South African expert on all aspects of international trade, education and training, this half-day workshop will focus on:

·        Understanding the Customs Control and Duty Bills of 2014, how this directly affects exporters and how export orders should be completed to ensure Customs compliancy

·        How to ensure that all documentation is aligned to the Customs and Excise, Control and Duty Bills

·        Understanding the SARS R316 Revision and invoicing procedures for exporters & when to zero rate or charge VAT with every export order